Move over LaCroix. See you later Red Bull. Stay alive Liquid Death. San Diego’s Wave Soda chose Remedy PR for public relations efforts as this new beverage emerged on store shelves as a clear and healthier alternative to all of these brands.
Together, we showed the world that soda is not a four-letter word (a tagline used in their advertising, which we came up with).
Wave Soda is unique in more ways than one, and requires an adept PR team to tell that story to the media. We developed messaging materials and explained to the food media how these no-calorie brands were tricking consumers into thinking what they were consuming was in some way healthy or harmless.
Through strategic outreach, supported by creative messaging and materials, we launched a PR campaign that brought to light the issues with no-calorie sparkling waters, caffeinated energy drinks, and diet soda mainstays. We also brought Wave Soda into the media spotlight, adding the trusted third-party validation that only comes from earned media.