We've done a lot of work in the beer world, with brands that have included Saint Archer, Primo, PBR, Guinness, June Lake Brewing and others.
We even contribute a column to the Craft Beer Attorney's B5 newsletter (our most recent one can be seen here: http://www.remedypr.com/blog/pr-planning-required-not-public-relations/.
That said, while we're pretty darn good at our jobs, this campaign from Budweiser is absolutely brilliant. Is it craft beer? Heck no. Budweiser isn't even owned by U.S. based company any longer.
Does that matter... well, not if you're Budweiser and want to drive both awareness and sales.

The above was taken from the recent Fast Company article you can find here.

So can craft breweries compete? Definitely. Will it be easy? No.

It'll take a mix of product (session IPA's and similar styles) unique flavors and above all, great marketing.

Want some tips? Read "Marketing Makes Beer Taste Better" and "PR = Planning Required".

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