We've posted before about what journalists want from PR people here.
PRNewser recently published a great post on the topic and we thought we'd share, without any commentary (which is very hard for PR people to do ;-).Want More tips? Give us a call or drop us a line at PRCheckup@Remedypr.com
Bigger is often not better in PR. How do you measure the results of a PR campaign?
Number of placements? Impression numbers? If that's not how we measure the effectiveness of an ad, why do we translate advertising equivalencies to public relations campaigns?
One of our agency directors was just featured by Bulldog Reporter in an article on the dicey topic of measurement.
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When one door closes, a good PR team will dig you a hole for your message to crawl through. Or find you more doors. Or pry open some windows... you get it ;-).
That said, brands are often disappointed when they don't see themselves featured in certain media outlets. While this could happen for a variety of reasons (timing and lack of real newsworthiness being the top two), there's one reason that few want to admit, but it happens all the time.
Sometimes journalists simply don't like certain brands.
Since we work in the tech world, we often deal with tech media, from the consumery oriented (that's a word, trust us) mainstream outlets to the influencers/mavens/tastemakers/other-hot-buzzword journalists and outlets that focus on the latest and greatest before it's even available.
Lately we've been working with LockerGnome on some features and tin the below video, they called out BlackBerry. Specifically, they called out that they may not review a particular BlackBerry device.
Skip to about 5:10 to get a handle on what we're referencing.
Perhaps LockerGnome is just trying to get a rise out of their BlackBerry using audience. Or maybe they're serious and just aren't into the new releases from the brand.
Unfortunately, this is a reality in PR and media relations - sometimes the media just aren't into your product or story.
This is one of the reasons we (and other reputable PR practitioners) will tell you clients in the upfront that coverage is not guaranteed. We have a pretty good relationship with LockerGnome, but we can't dictate their coverage or coverage tone. Any firm that guarantees you visibility for your retainer (without a money-back guarantee) is either lying or selling you advertising.
But again, a good PR team (or consultant, etc.) can work around this. If you can't land that one Tier-A placement this time, they should be able to help you evaluate why for the next go, and in the meantime, work to secure coverage in 10 Tier-B outlets to supplement. It takes more to do less in the PR / media relations world, and anyone who sets their hopes on one placement is setting themselves up for disappointment.
Note: This post was originally published in 2013 and LockerGnome is on hiatus. However, the message and learnings remain the same.
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Talkin' Turkey.... And Public Relations
You don't have to be the best to score media coverage.
And you don't need to be the most innovative or the market leader, although in the case of Butterball, name recognition helps.
One of the country's top producing poultry brands wins big by repurposing questions that come into their help line for some fun content at a time when interest in turkey is at a yearly high.
Well done Butterball, well done!
One piece they netted (in the Chicago Tribune, no less) as a result of the campaign below, but if you search online, you'll find a lot more out there.
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We're regular contributors to The Craft Beer Attorney's B5 Newsletter and our most recent column is probably our best yet.
The article centers around the planning required when it comes to PR and media relations campaigns.
Can we see success with minimal planning? Definitely.
But honestly, you'll probably get the best bang from your buck, from us or any other sort of marketing agency, by planning well in advance.
If you don't subscribe already, we've pasted it below for you to check out!
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QR Codes, kittens, QR Codes Kill Kittens, San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media”San Diego PR” https://plus.google.com/+RemedyprSandiego A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego,
Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity. PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, bluetooth PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. https://instagram.com/remedy_pr/ San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. bestprsandiego.com jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing, crossfit marketin
Name five Super Bowl ads from last year and describe what they were about. If you can’t, do it from any year… and the Apple ‘1984’ spot doesn’t count. Or anything with Clydesdales 😉
Of those five (or less) how many of them led you to buy those products or use that brand’s services?
If the ad didn’t cause you to go out and act, does that mean the ad is worthless?
Definitely not. Here is the reality of advertising (or PR/media relations and marketing in general).
It often takes time and repetition for the message to sink in. I didn’t see the Apple ‘1984’ add live, but I know about it because it’s so regularly highlighted over the years. And its content was very different.
Think about GoDaddy’s ads. The ones with the women having wardrobe malfunctions. Regardless of your personal taste, they also are (were?) different enough to get attention and have people talking about them.
Creatively, both of these ads were different than the norm at the time. That’s an important thing to keep in mind.
Creativity is incredibly important in marketing. It helps cut through the clutter.
Because of advertising, and our love of 'The Walking Dead' a lot of us here have a pretty strong awareness of Mazda as an automotive brand. They seem to consistently have spots airing during ‘The Walking Dead’ that look pretty good and catch our attention when we forget to reach for the DVR's remote. That said, no one in our office has a Mazda. Does that mean the ads weren’t effective?
No. As an example, the last person to buy the car in our office wanted an all-wheel drive sedan. Mazda didn’t make one at the time, so their ads, while they were memorable, were for products that we just didn’t need.
However, Mazda consistently runs ads during a show we watch and because of that, we were am pretty aware of of some of the cars they’re selling. Budweiser usually does something with Clydesdales.
Consistency, or repetition of message, are almost as important as creativity, if you want to boost awareness, and later sales.
‘Consistency’ and ‘creatively’ should be the words you dwell on here.
We hear all the time from friends and colleagues – at both big brands and small – that advertising didn’t work for them. Or PR didn’t work for them. Why? Because they didn’t see sales. When I ask how they measured awareness, I tend to get blank stares. When I ask if they directed their agency partners or let them lead, I get uncomfortable silence.
What is almost always missing when a marketing program falls short is some sort of creativity or consistency in activity. Vanilla tastes good, but it doesn’t stand out. One and done is rarely enough.
Sales come from awareness, as well as availability. Marketers can’t control availability, but they can help build awareness, which will lead to sales if done right.
Despite what case study you read, marketing success comes from creativity and consistency/repetition of message. There are exceptions to the rule, but if you're going to play the odds, are you going to put your money on the 99 percent favored to win or the long shot?
BTW - If you're interested in the creative background of that Apple '1984' ad, check out this piece from Bloomberg.
Questions about the health of your PR or marketing campaign? Drop us a line at PRCheckup@remedypr.com. A consultation is always free!
Want to stay in touch? Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter by clicking here (we promise not to spam you!).
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QR Codes, kittens, QR Codes Kill Kittens, San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media”San Diego PR” https://plus.google.com/+RemedyprSandiego A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego, Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity. PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, bluetooth PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. https://instagram.com/remedy_pr/ San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. bestprsandiego.com jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing, crossfit marketing, sports marketing, crossfit PR, crossfit social media, PR experts, social media experts san diego, san diego PR experts. San Diego Public relations and social media. Experts in public relations based in San Diego. Bar public relations. Beer public relations.
Do Super Bowl Ads Work? A Lesson in Public Relations, Advertising, Creativity And Consistency
More than 20 years ago, The Boss showed that he was able to do more than just strum a guitar and write great rock & roll songs. It turns out that one of New Jersey’s most notable musical exports also had a good handle on the future of media.
Right now, we’re seeing many brands scrambling to provide content for their various social and traditional media channels, and then become disappointed when that content doesn’t generate the amount of likes, shares, comments, etc., that they feel would make the production of that content a success.
The issue? We haven't been telling the whole truth.
Marketers and so-called social media experts have been preaching for years that ‘content is king’ and now with social media, making sure that you have a presence on every digital channel available. The reality is that’s not the entire truth. See our previous post on Meerkat for more insight on this one.
As social media matures, we’re seeing a cultural reset of how people use it and how they follow brands and individuals. Whereas people tended to be ok friending and liking hundreds of people and brands on Facebook, they’re curating who and what they follow on Instagram.
People have more options now and are less willing to waste their time.
Consumers have more options than ever before. It’s not enough to just to create content, it needs to be good content… content worth sharing and watching.
It doesn’t matter if you’re on 57 social media channels or just five. If you're your content isn’t endearing to your audience, they will find something else to watch.
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Lately CrossFit has become a pretty polarizing force in society. With its success, the media loves to knock it . And if you’re on Facebook, chances are you have more than a few friends posting about their personal records (AKA PR’s) or having their CrossFit gym tag them in photos.
Regardless of if you love CrossFit, hate their brand of fitness or are a member at another type of high intensity interval training (HIIT) or similar facility (BTW - We love Performance 360 in San Diego... and they’re NOT a client) , there are some basic social media lessons all brands can learn from these gyms.
1. Build a community through social media. This is such a basic element of social media marketing and one Bill has been quoted about before (we also blogged about it here). Simply put, take the ‘me’ out of social media.
2. Encourage others to participate and care. Many HIIT gyms provide in-gym and online boards that don’t just track gym records, but also the personal records and goals of its participants. This is HUGE for this demographic and a key source of their community building online.
As we get older, we tend to have fewer tangible goals we can point to and share as a source of pride. The glory that came from high school sports achievements have faded away and personal accomplishments in the business world don’t translate well to social media ("I filed all my TPS reports two days early!!!" said no one ever.). Even though we love our careers at Remedy, you won't catch us talking about what a great press release someone here wrote during the next off-site office happy hour.
CrossFit and other HIIT gyms provide the opportunity for members to take pride in their accomplishments, regardless of if it’s fat loss, jumping to a new height or lifting a certain amount of weight.
3. Incentivise people to recruit for you. Referral programs are another basic that these gyms dominate on a social level. Your brand may not have an official membership component like a gym does, but there’s always some sort referral program you can build in and tie back to recognizing the fans of your brand.
4. Engage with your audience. The good gyms solicit from members, both online and off, ways which they can improve their programs. More often than not, the members' questions and gym instructors' responses are posted online. The gym may not implement these improvement ideas, but they are showing their members they are listening to them.
5. Live offline. Another basic and often overlooked component in social media is translating online affinity to offline promotion. Apparel, in essence, is social media. You wear t-shirts, hats, etc., when you leave the house. If you like your gym, wearing their t-shirt is a source of pride for you and an advertising campaign you’re happy to be a part of. For members of these gyms though, they don’t look at the shirts as free advertising for a ‘brand’, they’re showing pride in a community that’s helped to improve their lives. A t-shirt may not be appropriate for your brand, but there are other social ways you can live offline to build more affinity.
CrossFit and HIIT gyms aren’t for everyone, but their rise in prominence and level of community building is something many brands can learn from.
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San Diego, Public Relations, Social Media, Craft Beer, Action Sports Marketing, Action Sports PR, Tech PR, Real Estate PR, Trade Show PR, PR for the Outdoor Industry
We contribute a public relations and social media column fairly regularly to the Craft Beer Attorney's Beyond Brewing - Business Basics Bulletin (aka B5) newsletter. The San Diego IABC is hosting a social media event at a local brewery, which reminded us we haven't shared this column with our blog readers before.
While the craft beer industry is thriving right now, many experts are saying it will soon become fairly saturated in a way similar to the dot-com/bubble burst we've seen in the technology industry. Regardless of if this is true or not, as more breweries open up in crowded craft beer markets (such as our home base of San Diego), marketing these beers is going to be a major key to their success. However, unlike the heavy lifters and heavy marketers at CrossFit, a lot of small to mid-sized breweries just don't seem to get it.
That said, we wanted to share our social media section from the B5 newsletter that includes some easy to follow tips to consider (and if you don't want our commentary, you can download it here).
Don't worry about Jimmy Fallon making fun of your brand. Appropriate hashtags are... well, appropriate! Feel free to throw a fun one in or one that yo want others to pass around, but for the most part, you should hashtag with words and phrases your potential consumers or current consumers are searching for.
This isn't a plug for Shirts On Tap, but it's incredibly important. However, rumor has it Saint Archer is killing it in apparel sales. Why aren't you?
See point 1 above.
You don't need to think that hard about this one. Would you click on a Twitter link that said "I just uploaded 34 photos to Facebook?"
We love to say "take the 'me' out of social media" because it's how all brands should operate online. A friendly bartender is engaging. They don't simply stare at you and wait for you to make the first move.
Again, you can download the full list here. We have a pretty extensive background working with brands that target particular lifestyles (including beer brands). Want to chat? Drop us a line!
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San Diego Public Relations, San Diego Best Public Relations, PR San Diego, PR experts in San Diego, social media experts San Diego, expert PR san diego, action sports PR, action sports social media, San Diego's best PR resource, San Diego Lifestyle Public Relations, San Diego's best PR resource, San Diego PR resources, San Diego referred PR, PR San Diego, Lifestyle San Diego public relations public relations, San Diego, Public Relations, Craft Beer PR, social media craft beer, craft beer instagram