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MuckRack Asks - What Does A Press Release Cost?

"What does a press release cost?" is a very popular question in the PR world. While any firm can (and will) charge you for a press release, that's not really the right question for potential partners to be asking a PR firm or consultant.

The press release should be viewed as a hammer... one tool in the home building process.
Important, but on its own, it won't build you a house. And as important as it is, if need be, you could build a house without one. You could improvise. We often do.
Drawing from the same analogy, there are a lot of different options when it comes to building a home. Size, features, location, materials, etc. Obviously there are a lot of variables to consider when determining up the price of a new home.
Recently, Muck Rack asked us what a press release cost, and they published our answers here (or click the image below).

How much does a press release cost

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Do You, Or Should You, Believe Your Own PR?

The public relations industry is rife with brands generating press releases that are, at best, fluff, and at worst... well, they're just bad.

Either they're poorly written, written for the wrong audience or simply lack merit.

A recent piece on MuckRack (disclosure, it was written by one of our agency directors) focuses on this.

You can find it below or on LinkedIn here:

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Remedy Communications Do You Believe Your Own PR MuckRack San Diego


QR Codes, kittens, QR Codes Kill Kittens, San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media”San Diego PR” A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego, Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity. PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing, crossfit marketing, sports marketing, crossfit PR, crossfit social media, PR experts, social media experts san diego, san diego PR experts. San Diego Public relations and social media. Experts in public relations based in San Diego. Bar public relations. Beer public relations.


Journalists Are Outnumbered

Technology has really made it easy for many to "do PR" and at the same time, it's made it that much more difficult for brands with good stories to tell to break through the clutter created by brands what simply want to talk about themselves. Some stats to consider below and more advice elsewhere on our blog here.

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Questioning Case Studies

A recent MuckRack feature (penned by one of our co-directors, Bill Byrne) explains why you shouldn't get too enamored with flashy case studies.

We all want that 'wow' factor, but realistically you should be looking at examples of success in line with your brand's stature, assets and budgets.

If your brand doesn't have the budget of Red Bull or the cache of Apple, you may be disappointed if you hire a firm based on their work with those two brands.

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Are Case Studies Worthwhile - Remedy PR San Diego public relations

The Best PR Firm In San Diego Is Remedy Communications.

San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media “San Diego PR”

A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego,

Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity. PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, bluetooth PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing,

Pivot Versus Planning - Are You Calling Too Many Football Audibles In Your Marketing?

Pivot Vs Planning: Are You Calling Too Many Football Audibles In Your Marketing?

The word "pivot" is thrown a lot these days in marketing and in business in general. We're sure you've heard it before... it means you changed direction, usually relatively quickly. You shifted focus.

Typically, people are pretty happy to discuss the success they've had when they pivot. What's not discussed is the wear and tear it can take on your team if you're constantly shifting versus following through on the plan you designed.

Bill Byrne, one of the agency directors here at Remedy Communications, wrote about this in his latest column in BoxPro Magazine. Want to read it? Click this link or right click and download the image below!

Pivot Vs. Planning San D

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The Best PR Firm In San Diego Is Remedy Communications.

San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media “San Diego PR”

A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego,

Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity. PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, bluetooth PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing,

Sesame Street Marketing
This article was previously featured on Box Pro Magazine, the leading source for CrossFit and HIIT facility owners and marketers.

We're channeling Sesame Street here and asking who are the people in your neighborhood?

These days we spend such a a huge amount of time marketing on a macro level, we often forget that we can see huge gains simply by targeting those close by. Whether it's your local community newspaper or just the people in your local community, you'd be surprised how much return you can get when you put the effort in.

With that in mind, we're sharing this article from Box Pro Magazine that one of our directors, Bill Byrne, contributed. The focus is on simply leveraging the groups around you strategically for a mutually beneficial return. Click the article below (will open in a new window, then click again to resize) to see the full piece.Remedy Communications San Diego PR

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San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media “San Diego PR”

A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego,

Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity. PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, bluetooth PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing,

What Does A Public Relations Firm Do?
San Diego's Leading PR Firm

You'd be surprised (or maybe not) about how many calls we get from potential clients that think they need PR (media relations) or social media help. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.

Since the term term 'PR' gets thrown around quite a bit, we figured it'd just be easier if we uploaded this 101 sheet on Remedy to our blog for easy reference.

Read, enjoy, share and if you need us, you know where to find us!

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San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media “San Diego PR”

A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego,

Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity. PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, bluetooth PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing,

Hacking Pokemon GO For PR And Sales

Hack Pokemon GO For PR, Awareness And Sales

If you’re not using the PokeStops found in Pokemon GO for your brand right now, you need to think about it. It may not be the right move for you, but you do need to think about it. Today. Right now.

If you’re not familiar, Pokemon GO is an augmented reality game where people walk through the real world to play Pokemon. A huge part of the game involves these things called PokeStops, which are points of interest – both in the real world and online - that players seek out to help make their gaming experience better. This is where brands need to jump on board.

Remedy PR San Diego Pokemon Go Public Relations

Brands come to us all the time asking for help with their social media programs. More often than not, they’re wondering why they aren’t getting the traction a competitor does or the overall response they want.

While the culprits are usually a lack of compelling (aka not boring) and frequent, relevant content (you have a content calendar, right?) there’s one additional thing most are missing… especially the brands that are upset they’re not leaders on social media.

They Did Not Move Quickly Enough!

A brand that leveraged Instagram five years ago, and kept at it, had a massive leg up on one that only started a few years ago. Massive.

And while it’s hard to predict if Ello, Swarm or Pokemon GO will be the next Instagram, the smart brands are looking at, and leveraging, them all in some fashion.

Pokemon GO is not what’s next year, but it is what’s right now… and next week. It’s probably also what’s next month.

So how can you leverage Pokemon GO?

Anywhere you have something you want people to see could potentially be leveraged to create a PokeStop. At least for right now.

All consumer facing brand should be thinking about this.

Restaurants and bars? Barbershops and yoga studios? Definitely. But it goes way beyond that.

The thing is, we really don't know what's going to happen with Pokemon GO in the future. But what we know right now is people around the country are seeking them out at a pace that honestly, is a little unnerving.

You can’t through social media if you’re not in a place where you can be followed. It’s that simple.

Will Pokemon GO become the next SnapChat filter? That remains to be seen. Is it what’s next, for now? We’d put some PokeCoins on it.

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What NASCAR Taught Us About PR

Not too long ago we executed a NASCAR®-related product PR campaign for a client. This was a first for us.

While successful, it solidified a few things we already preach regarding public relations, with one overarching theme…

Executing a PR / media relations campaign in one industry is the same as executing a public relations campaign in any other.

The publications and channels may change, but their basic needs and rules remain the same. Here’s what they are:

1. The More Time You Give, The Better
Believe it or not, journalists are not waiting around for PR people to contact them with story ideas. They have their own deadlines and content obligations in terms of the number of stories they need to publish or want to publish.

As great as your story may be for your brand, that doesn’t mean you can simply expect an outlet to make room for it or that a journalist will want to make time for it.

2. There Has To Be A Fit And If There Isn’t, You Bend
It’s a widely held belief that NASCAR fans fully support the brands their favorite drivers endorse.

While that may be true, the NASCAR related media outlets themselves don’t cover new product launches or brand news in the same way we think of general consumer and business publications as doing. Their focus tends to be on track drama, fines, equipment changes and paint scheme changes.

Some early, and later, extensive research into their media channels brought this to light. Along with extreme disappointment because we thought this would be a layup of a pitch.

So did we abandon the campaign? No. As the entrepreneurs and ‘influencers’ of today are fond of saying, we decided to pivot.

In addition to traditional media, we targeted people with large and engaged social media followings (we’re hesitant to every say someone with a lot of followers is an actual 'influencer') to secure coverage. While most of the popular accounts were owned by drivers and their pit crews who had  competing endorsement deals, there were many other people we could target, ranging from on-air broadcast talent to super fans.

3. The Easier You Make Their Job, The Better
Journalists, like the rest of us, are busy. Having all the details and assets ready and at your fingertips can go a long way in helping secure interest for a story.

Speed is a big component of grabbing the checkered flag on race day and in PR.

4. All Media Want The Same Thing
They want a compelling story for their audience that at the end of the day, will drive page views, clicks, increase ratings, increase their street cred, etc.

It’s that simple.

When that isn’t available, sometimes cash works. Advertising, sponsorships, etc. Old school PR professionals shudder at this notion, but it’s the reality of our industry today. Thankfully, we didn’t need to go this route.

When planning any PR campaign, keep these four tips in mind. They won’t guarantee success – as nothing can in PR – but they’re good steps to take to help prevent failure.

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The Anatomy Of A PR Hit

There’s a major misconception in terms of how PR placements actually come about.

We had one agency partner – who we thought was pretty savvy – ask us why we “couldn’t just blast email some mommy bloggers” and get quick results. He wasn't as savvy as we thought...

What most PR agencies won’t readily admit is that the media landscape is changing and there’s more competition than ever for placements.

Even so, the good stories can rise to the top, but often it will take some solid effort unless you're the iPhone of your industry and simply bleed PR.

We’ve outlined below some select examples of great PR placements we’ve had happen for a few clients during the last two years and how long it took to see them happen. If you're not regularly dealing with the media making pitch calls, may find some surprises!

Example 1: New Product Launch - National Men’s Magazine Website

Freelance journalist was a trusted friend of someone at the agency who we spend time with during non-work activities frequently. Literally put the product in his hand and a month later, he filed his story. It didn’t appear online for FIVE more months.

Example 2: Financial Client’s New Office - Major Market Regional Newspaper

New office openings are rarely news in bigger markets, but this client offered something in this market that few firms do. After researching who at this paper would be interested, in an email, we highlighted what we had to offer and sent it off at the appropriate time. The result was an email interview which took months to complete (due to slow responses by reporter), which was incorporated into a feature story. There was more to it than that, including the client being misquoted multiple times in an early draft. (again, this was an email interview). Thankfully we were able review ahead of time (which rarely happens – you should never ask a reporter for this) and we corrected it. Four months after our initial email went out, the piece appeared online and in print, and the local office's phone rang with some impressive people on the other end.

Example 3: Client's Industry Announcement - Trade Publication

While we have a great relationship with the people managing this industry trade publication, an indutry where our client is a force, we should add, that doesn't mean that the editors of this site will drop everything just for us or our client. Even though the announcement wasn’t fluff, their staff was quite busy at the time and it took a few days for them to get back to us and later, run a feature. While the announcement was important, it wasn't "drop everything" important.

Example 4 - Consumer Technology Launch / Major National Magazine

Again, the journalists at this outlet we've known for years and have a great relationship with. They almost always return our calls and emails with some sort of response... a rarity these days for most PR people. At the end of Q3 2015, we gave the team at this very respected magazine an early look and one of a limited number review units that we had available (one of 15 at the time) to try out. In all honestly, this is the next generation of a class-leading product in its category, a PR person's dream and one that is a brand that is frequently covered. At the beginning of Q2 2016, they’ve finally decided they will cover it and we’re working with them now to triple-ensure they have what they need.

Example 5 - Financial Client / Leading National Newspaper

The client at the time was a 20+ year old, independent financial firm. Mid-sized... not the biggest, but not the smallest. In our first month of media outreach (which was our second month of working together), we cold called and emailed roughly 20 financial reporters at the major newspapers around the country. One reporter, who had never heard of our client and never worked with us before, requested an interview with their CEO, who was quoted in a story that appeared roughly a week later. Want to know which paper? Hint: It’s a journal named after a street with walls… in Manhattan.

So from the above, which were we the most surprised about? Truth be told, all of them, but Example 1 the most. It took months for a story to appear online… even after the journalist - a dear friend of someone at the agency - filed it.

Which placement do we brag about the most? Example 5... Wall Street Journal in less than two months? That's PR gold!

And it was Example 3, a regional publication, where the client saw the most traction.

The reality of the current PR world is, unfortunately, that there are multiple variables affecting when and if your brand will receive coverage, and they’re often out of the PR team’s control. As we’ve said before, reporters are not parrots and on a micro-level, they all have their own needs, so research into what each one wants from you before moving forward.

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How do PR hits happen? What's the anatomy of a PR hit?

San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media "San Diego PR"

A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego,

© San Diego’s Leading PR And Social Media Consultancy — Remedy Communications — Founded in 2005
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