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Beer PR - Budweiser's New Cans Are Brilliant
We've done a lot of work in the beer world, with brands that have included Saint Archer, Primo, PBR, Guinness, June Lake Brewing and others.
We even contribute a column to the Craft Beer Attorney's B5 newsletter (our most recent one can be seen here:
That said, while we're pretty darn good at our jobs, this campaign from Budweiser is absolutely brilliant. Is it craft beer? Heck no. Budweiser isn't even owned by U.S. based company any longer.
Does that matter... well, not if you're Budweiser and want to drive both awareness and sales.

The above was taken from the recent Fast Company article you can find here.

So can craft breweries compete? Definitely. Will it be easy? No.

It'll take a mix of product (session IPA's and similar styles) unique flavors and above all, great marketing.

Want some tips? Read "Marketing Makes Beer Taste Better" and "PR = Planning Required".

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The Anatomy Of A PR Hit

There’s a major misconception in terms of how PR placements actually come about.

We had one agency partner – who we thought was pretty savvy – ask us why we “couldn’t just blast email some mommy bloggers” and get quick results. He wasn't as savvy as we thought...

What most PR agencies won’t readily admit is that the media landscape is changing and there’s more competition than ever for placements.

Even so, the good stories can rise to the top, but often it will take some solid effort unless you're the iPhone of your industry and simply bleed PR.

We’ve outlined below some select examples of great PR placements we’ve had happen for a few clients during the last two years and how long it took to see them happen. If you're not regularly dealing with the media making pitch calls, may find some surprises!

Example 1: New Product Launch - National Men’s Magazine Website

Freelance journalist was a trusted friend of someone at the agency who we spend time with during non-work activities frequently. Literally put the product in his hand and a month later, he filed his story. It didn’t appear online for FIVE more months.

Example 2: Financial Client’s New Office - Major Market Regional Newspaper

New office openings are rarely news in bigger markets, but this client offered something in this market that few firms do. After researching who at this paper would be interested, in an email, we highlighted what we had to offer and sent it off at the appropriate time. The result was an email interview which took months to complete (due to slow responses by reporter), which was incorporated into a feature story. There was more to it than that, including the client being misquoted multiple times in an early draft. (again, this was an email interview). Thankfully we were able review ahead of time (which rarely happens – you should never ask a reporter for this) and we corrected it. Four months after our initial email went out, the piece appeared online and in print, and the local office's phone rang with some impressive people on the other end.

Example 3: Client's Industry Announcement - Trade Publication

While we have a great relationship with the people managing this industry trade publication, an indutry where our client is a force, we should add, that doesn't mean that the editors of this site will drop everything just for us or our client. Even though the announcement wasn’t fluff, their staff was quite busy at the time and it took a few days for them to get back to us and later, run a feature. While the announcement was important, it wasn't "drop everything" important.

Example 4 - Consumer Technology Launch / Major National Magazine

Again, the journalists at this outlet we've known for years and have a great relationship with. They almost always return our calls and emails with some sort of response... a rarity these days for most PR people. At the end of Q3 2015, we gave the team at this very respected magazine an early look and one of a limited number review units that we had available (one of 15 at the time) to try out. In all honestly, this is the next generation of a class-leading product in its category, a PR person's dream and one that is a brand that is frequently covered. At the beginning of Q2 2016, they’ve finally decided they will cover it and we’re working with them now to triple-ensure they have what they need.

Example 5 - Financial Client / Leading National Newspaper

The client at the time was a 20+ year old, independent financial firm. Mid-sized... not the biggest, but not the smallest. In our first month of media outreach (which was our second month of working together), we cold called and emailed roughly 20 financial reporters at the major newspapers around the country. One reporter, who had never heard of our client and never worked with us before, requested an interview with their CEO, who was quoted in a story that appeared roughly a week later. Want to know which paper? Hint: It’s a journal named after a street with walls… in Manhattan.

So from the above, which were we the most surprised about? Truth be told, all of them, but Example 1 the most. It took months for a story to appear online… even after the journalist - a dear friend of someone at the agency - filed it.

Which placement do we brag about the most? Example 5... Wall Street Journal in less than two months? That's PR gold!

And it was Example 3, a regional publication, where the client saw the most traction.

The reality of the current PR world is, unfortunately, that there are multiple variables affecting when and if your brand will receive coverage, and they’re often out of the PR team’s control. As we’ve said before, reporters are not parrots and on a micro-level, they all have their own needs, so research into what each one wants from you before moving forward.

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How do PR hits happen? What's the anatomy of a PR hit?

San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media "San Diego PR"

A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego,

PR = Planning Required, Not Public Relations

We're regular contributors to The Craft Beer Attorney's B5 Newsletter and our most recent column is probably our best yet.

The article centers around the planning required when it comes to PR and media relations campaigns.

Can we see success with minimal planning? Definitely.

But honestly, you'll probably get the best bang from your buck, from us or any other sort of marketing agency, by planning well in advance.

If you don't subscribe already, we've pasted it below for you to check out!

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QR Codes, kittens, QR Codes Kill Kittens, San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media”San Diego PR” A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego,

Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity. PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, bluetooth PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing, crossfit marketin
Who Needs A Press Release? Apple's Open Letter To...

We've been published in AdWeek before on our thoughts that too many brands put out press releases when the news just isn't there to promote. It's all about the channel and audience. Sometimes you can say 1,000 words with an Instagram photo and sometimes, you can have your CEO issue an open letter that clearly states your position and forgo any follow-up interviews, calls, etc.

That's exactly what Apple did with their most recent customer letter involving the FBI and cyber security. Although it's billed as a an 'open letter to its customers', in reality, it's a press release for a global audience of journalists, fans and anyone else who happens to be checking Facebook on February 17, 2016.

Here are the highlights from a PR/marketing perspective:

We added the red... this is a message to everyone, not just Apple's customers. BUT, it was smart of Apple to position it otherwise.

We added the red... this is a message to everyone, not just Apple's customers. BUT, it was smart of Apple to position it otherwise.



This is what Apple says the issue is.


Remedy Public Relations San Diego

Essentially, the FBI may be saying this is easy to do and fix, but according to Apple, it's far from the case. 


From a public relations / media relations standpoint, this was very well done. Now it's the government's turn to respond.

You can read the full letter here:

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Want to win in public relations in San Diego? You may need Remedy communications.

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QR Codes, kittens, QR Codes Kill Kittens, San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media”San Diego PR” A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego, Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity. PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, bluetooth PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing, crossfit marketing, sports marketing, crossfit PR, crossfit social media, PR experts, social media experts san diego, san diego PR experts. San Diego Public relations and social media. Experts in public relations based in San Diego. Bar public relations. Beer public relations.


Do Super Bowl Ads Work? A Lesson in Public Relations, Advertising, Creativity And Consistency

Why Trump-Style Marketing Works

Donald_Meme_MakerThis has nothing to do with our personal politics, so please send your hate emails elsewhere 😉

Recently we heard Kevin Robillard on the This Morning With Gordan Deal podcast the other day talking about Trump’s prominence in the race to the White House.

Love him or hate him, The Donald is dominating the media. Why?

He’s disruptive. His message is very different and the way he communicates compared to his competitor’s political brands stands out.

It’s that simple.

Trump is harsh compared to what we’re typically seeing from political candidates. He’s loud. He gets aggressive and isn’t afraid to take risks.

Will this help The Donald become the next U.S. president? I have no idea…

BUT, his message is so different, often so outlandish, that it’s resonating with many people across the country. If elected, can he do what he says he’ll do? Again… no idea. In most cases our government is a pretty slow moving machine

That said, even if Donald Trump doesn’t make it any further in the political race, he’s left an impression, raised his awareness and inspired many to await his next move in business, entertainment or in politics.

Sounds like a marketing win to us.

Questions about the health of your PR or marketing campaign? Drop us a line at A consultation is always free!

Want to stay in touch? Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter by clicking here (we promise not to spam you!). 

Want to win in public relations in San Diego? You may need Remedy communications.

San Diego Public Relations
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QR Codes, kittens, QR Codes Kill Kittens, San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media”San Diego PR” A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego, Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity. PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, bluetooth PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing, crossfit marketing, sports marketing, crossfit PR, crossfit social media, PR experts, social media experts san diego, san diego PR experts. San Diego Public relations and social media. Experts in public relations based in San Diego. Bar public relations. Beer public relations.

Do Super Bowl Ads Work? A Lesson in Public Relations, Advertising, Creativity And Consistency

Do Super Bowl Ads Work? A Lesson in Public Relations, Advertising, Creativity And Consistency

Name five Super Bowl ads from last year and describe what they were about. If you can’t, do it from any year… and the Apple ‘1984’ spot doesn’t count. Or anything with Clydesdales 😉

Of those five (or less) how many of them led you to buy those products or use that brand’s services?

If the ad didn’t cause you to go out and act, does that mean the ad is worthless?

Definitely not. Here is the reality of advertising (or PR/media relations and marketing in general).

It often takes time and repetition for the message to sink in. I didn’t see the Apple ‘1984’ add live, but I know about it because it’s so regularly highlighted over the years. And its content was very different.

Think about GoDaddy’s ads. The ones with the women having wardrobe malfunctions. Regardless of your personal taste, they also are (were?) different enough to get attention and have people talking about them.

Creatively, both of these ads were different than the norm at the time. That’s an important thing to keep in mind.

Creativity is incredibly important in marketing. It helps cut through the clutter.

Because of advertising, and our love of 'The Walking Dead' a lot of us here have a pretty strong awareness of Mazda as an automotive brand. They seem to consistently have spots airing during ‘The Walking Dead’ that look pretty good and catch our attention when we forget to reach for the DVR's remote. That said, no one in our office has a Mazda. Does that mean the ads weren’t effective?

No. As an example, the last person to buy the car in our office wanted an all-wheel drive sedan. Mazda didn’t make one at the time, so their ads, while they were memorable, were for products that we just didn’t need.

However, Mazda consistently runs ads during a show we watch and because of that, we were am pretty aware of of some of the cars they’re selling. Budweiser usually does something with Clydesdales.

Consistency, or repetition of message, are almost as important as creativity, if you want to boost awareness, and later sales.

‘Consistency’ and ‘creatively’ should be the words you dwell on here.

We hear all the time from friends and colleagues – at both big brands and small – that advertising didn’t work for them. Or PR didn’t work for them. Why? Because they didn’t see sales. When I ask how they measured awareness, I tend to get blank stares. When I ask if they directed their agency partners or let them lead, I get uncomfortable silence.

What is almost always missing when a marketing program falls short is some sort of creativity or consistency in activity. Vanilla tastes good, but it doesn’t stand out. One and done is rarely enough.

Sales come from awareness, as well as availability. Marketers can’t control availability, but they can help build awareness, which will lead to sales if done right.

Despite what case study you read, marketing success comes from creativity and consistency/repetition of message. There are exceptions to the rule, but if you're going to play the odds, are you going to put your money on the 99 percent favored to win or the long shot?

BTW - If you're interested in the creative background of that Apple '1984' ad, check out this piece from Bloomberg.

Questions about the health of your PR or marketing campaign? Drop us a line at A consultation is always free!

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QR Codes, kittens, QR Codes Kill Kittens, San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media”San Diego PR” A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego, Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity. PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, bluetooth PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing, crossfit marketing, sports marketing, crossfit PR, crossfit social media, PR experts, social media experts san diego, san diego PR experts. San Diego Public relations and social media. Experts in public relations based in San Diego. Bar public relations. Beer public relations.

Do Super Bowl Ads Work? A Lesson in Public Relations, Advertising, Creativity And Consistency

What Your Agency Isn't Telling You

Numbers don’t lie, but they often don’t tell the whole story.

We live in (and have been for a while) a metric driven world when it comes to marketing. Often the metric involves measuring quantity over quality (yes, you can measure quality). We've seen more tangible results from PR placements in regional newspapers than we have in national ones, but that’s a topic for another time.

Yahoo! once claimed that a streamed Bills versus Jaguars game resulted in more than 33 million streams.

Impressive!!! Right? Maybe?!?

In reality, those 33 million streams were 15.2 million unique viewers and 460 million minutes of football. The live stream actually averaged less than 2.4 million viewers per minute, compared to an average of 10 to 20 million viewers through traditional broadcast and cable for most NFL games.

Should we mention that the stream was set on auto-play for Yahoo!, Tumblr and their other properties… and that views were counted as long as the window was open for three seconds.

That means that if you went to Yahoo! to look up the number for your local dog groomer or search news on mortgage rates, you may have been counted as ‘watching’ the game.

Who cares about why they watched it, as long as we have the impression numbers to show for it 😉

This is one of the chief reasons we don’t compare PR/editorial value to ad value and I’d be hard pressed to tell you at home broadcast/cable views are the same as streaming views on a phone, tablet, etc., whether in the home or not. They're all different. They all have value, but those values are different as well.

Yes, impression numbers are incredibly important in our world, but impression numbers alone shouldn’t be how you measure the success of your campaign.

 For those that feel we're calling out digital ad agencies unfairly here, I’ll put the focus on the PR/media relations industry. A tried and true (and lazy) method of measuring a PR program’s success is impression numbers. How many people saw X on TV last night, or subscribe to that magazine, etc. If a client asks, for impression numbers, we happily pass them over, but with the caveat that we don’t believe for one second that X number of people actually saw the article with the client in it.

While we won’t be so bold as to call this a fact, it’s the truth. Impression numbers don’t equate to recognition, brand message retention or in the case of Yahoo!’s auto-play of the football game, intention.

In reality, impression numbers are estimates of how many may have been in the vicinity of your message. And nothing more.

Numbers alone don’t tell the story of a campaign’s success and unfortunately, as the media landscape continues to fragment and more brands leverage the tools at their disposal, almost all marketers are having to do more to achieve the same or even less results as they saw the year before.

Any marketing / PR / advertising person that doesn’t tell you this upfront isn’t necessarily lying, but they’re not telling you everything they know either.

San Diego’s Top PR firm for national results,, San Diego Public Relations, San Diego Social Media, 4629 Cass St, Suite 120, San Diego, CA 92109 “San Diego PR” “San Diego Public Relations” A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego,, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego, Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity.  PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, bluetooth PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego,, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing, crossfit marketing, sports marketing, crossfit PR, crossfit social media, PR experts, social media experts san diego, san diego PR experts. San Diego Public relations and social media. Experts in public relations based in San Diego. Bar public relations. Beer public relations.

Marketing Makes Beer Taste Better

Marketing Makes Beer Taste Better

We're going to see a bubble burst in the craft beer world. When? We're not sure. But we're sure it's going to happen.

Much like dot-coms, yoga studios, snowboard and surfboard shapers, too many are springing up and there's not enough demand or differentiation for the long term.

What's going to help them succeed? Better branding, public relations and an overall excellent marketing strategy that lives outside the brewery.

In modern brewing, Saint Archer has led the charge with their marketing. Don't believe us? What do you think the apparel sales is at your local brewery? Now look at this article from Shop-Eat-Surf highlighting the sales of Saint Archer's logo sold on t-shirts and hats (btw - it helps that their apparel is quality, not the discount t-shirts many breweries sell). If you're not a subscriber of that newsletter, here's a snippet.

Remedy PR Saint Archer public relations craft beer

Some people love Saint Archer. Some don't. What they've done right, among other things, is develop a brand identity that lives beyond beer. Ask your favorite small to mid-sized brewery what their apparel sales are, in the brewery, each month.

We've worked with some of the biggest and smallest brands in the industry, including Saint Archer, June Lake Brewing, Pabst, Primo and Guinness. The one thing they all did well when we worked with them was to develop an identity that lived outside the brewery.

As of December 2015, there were nearly 600 craft breweries in California alone and 240 in the planning phases! Some will content to be small batch brew pubs, nano breweries, etc., and there's nothing wrong with that. For those looking to grow and thrive through distribution, it's going to take more than great taste to separate them from the pack.

Our most recent newsletter in The Craft Beer Attorney's B5 Newsletter hits on that. If you don't subscribe, here's a PDF of it. Double click the image if it opens too small on your screen.


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Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity. PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, bluetooth PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing, crossfit marketin
Take The Me Out Of Social Media (And PR)
Social media (and public relations) are part of the marketing umbrella... in some ways they're advertising (dark posts anyone?), but if that's solely how you're treating them, you're making a huge mistake.
So we ask you, are you taking the me out of social media?
For example, do you like and share photos of others, or just your own brand? What about fans of your brand? Do you actively leave comments? Do you actively try to win over people who aren't fans of your brand? Are you being social or are you simply pushing your own agenda?

No one likes that person that only talks about themselves and this pertains to brands too. Trust us on this one!

When it comes to PR, remember, Press Releases Kill Puppy Dogs! Well, no, they don't... and while the releases are focused on your brand, think about what a journalist wants to know. After all, when it comes to public relations, what we really mean is media relations... dealing with journalists, bloggers, etc. These information gatekeepers are looking to find out if the story you want them to tell is worth telling to their audience.
Sound simple? It is. See this post for more on that topic. And the image? Wish we could take credit for it. It's from an article Bill was interviewed for by our friends at 2one5 Creative.

QR Codes, kittens, QR Codes Kill Kittens, San Diego Public Relations (PR) And Social Media”San Diego PR” A leading public relations (PR) agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, action sports and finance, San Diego Public Relations Agency, Action Sports PR, San Diego Social Media Agency, San Diego Event Marketing Agency, Social Media Marketing Agency, Craft Beer PR, PR, Public Relations, Social Media San Diego, Social Media Marketing Agency San Diego, Public Relations San Diego, PR Firm San Diego, a leading public relations agency in San Diego, specializing in social media marketing, event marketing, and digital publicity. PR for Tech, experts, craft beer, action sports, finance, consumer tech, bluetooth, beer, consumer goods, b2b, green, eco-friendly, craft beer PR, action sports PR, finance PR, consumer tech PR, bluetooth PR, beer PR , consumer PR, b2b PR, green PR, eco-friendly PR, real estate PR, Experts, craft beer marketing, action sports marketing, finance marketing, consumer tech marketing, bluetooth marketing, beer marketing , consumer marketing, b2b marketing, green marketing, eco-friendly marketing, real estate marketing, action sports PR, action sports marketing, best PR san diego, san diego best PR, san diego social media, san diego lifestyle PR, san diego bar PR, san diego restaurant PR, san diego restaurant social media, restaurant social media. San Diego Public Relations. San Diego’s Best Public Relations Consultants – Honesty results in public relations. jpublicrelations, besocialpr, leaders in PR for action sports beer social media san diego, healthcare marketing, crossfit marketing, sports marketing, crossfit PR, crossfit social media, PR experts, social media experts san diego, san diego PR experts. San Diego Public relations and social media. Experts in public relations based in San Diego. Bar public relations. Beer public relations.

>take the me out of social media, winning PR, best PR in san diego

AdWeek Says Press Releases Kill Puppy Dogs!

Wait, do they? Of course not! Or so we hope.

But are too many brands / PR types / consultants / etc. sending out releases when they shouldn't be... to people they shouldn't be sending them to? Definitely.

Inspired by Scott Stratten's 'QR Codes Kill Kittens' video and book (video below if you haven't seen it), our own Bill Byrne was asked to pen a short piece on the press release glut that has journalists vocalizing their disdain for PR professionals and brands wondering why its become increasingly harder to secure media coverage.

At Remedy, we love writing press releases... when they're appropriate. But sometimes, all it takes is a well written pitch to secure you that great article, TV feature, Instagram post from someone with more than 100k followers, etc. Press releases are a tool... and a tool we should use correctly.
With potential clients constantly asking us 'how much for a press release' and many companies offering press release services that will guarantee millions of impressions, we've come to the unfortunate realization that this trend of over promoting non-news items may get worse before it gets better.

Just because we can send out a press release, doesn't mean we should send out a press release.

And sometimes, the lack of a press release doesn't mean a journalist won't find your story any less newsworthy.
You can see the full article below or via this link.


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